Kelsey SlechtaJun 7, 2023White PaperLeveraging Bridge for Enhanced Benefits (LMS for HR within Consulting) (Consulting Near Me, HR, LMS)This quick read explores the benefits Torq is receiving from Bridge LMS
Cullen KeeterMar 14, 2023InsightPie Chart Do's and Don'ts - A Pi Day Tribute (March 14th)Four critical do's and don'ts about pie charts. Quick read to help take you data presentation to the next level!
Tyler WelchJan 11, 2023White PaperThe Role of Change Management in the Modern WorkplaceLearn about modern change management practices and how beneficial they can be to your organization!
William HarperNov 8, 2022White PaperCombating Increasing Project Complexity Within Your OrganizationAs increasing project complexity continues to be a challenge for knowledge workers, Torq has distilled a variety of actionable insights.
William HarperOct 21, 2022White PaperFive Rules of Data Clarity"Data is the new oil" was asserted decades ago and yet there are still massive disconnects! Discover five key rules of data clarity to help.